Sunday, December 30, 2012

Golf and Ronnie

Give him credit - if he keeps swinging like that, he may become
the first man to ever see the back of his own head.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Economists Predict...

that in the future, as the population ages, there will be a need to fill jobs ordinarily filled by younger folks.  So  "take heart" they say, there will be more job opportunities than ever!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Quantum Habit

Albert Einstein picked up cigarette butts off the street to get tobacco for his pipe.  He probably didn't do it if you were watching.  Relativity I guess.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is Armageddon tomorrow? Autredamus (the other Seer) peeks into his crystal ball for a look-see.

Let us look at the "evidence".  Mayan calendar predicts the end of life as we know it on 12/21/2012.  The Hopi Indians had a very similar prediction for about the same time.
Keep your heads down folks.  If a creature as gigantic as the Brontosaurus gets knocked off his perch what chance have we got?  BTW the Mayan civilization was not pre-historic, fading out about 1500 AD, maybe
Here's some additional support for the End Argument.  In NYC the Museum of Mathematics opened! Imagine that or more appropriately imagine a straight line with a width of +/- Pi  and if etc...  We are discovering planets left and right while defrocking our closest such as Pluto and Planet X..  Experimental Philosophy has found a niche in the scientific job market and colleges are rushing to start a grad program. Sherwood Anderson or is it Anderson Cooper comes out of the closet.  We are getting ready to clone a Mastodon and I don't know why.  The Brontosaurus has lost its place in the dinosaur schtick  it never existed - poor kids with those bogus plastic figures.  Maybe they can get a refund.
I've been using the same calendar since 1956. It's a Bettie Page pinup calendar.  Who is she  - kind of like Cher, Madonna, and Dolly Parton wrapped into one but of the fifties.  I never have the right date but it's a nice calendar.  It don't predict things either, except when my electric is gonna get turned off.  In conclusion the world will not end tomorrow but it will never be exactly like today, which is always true.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ping Ponging the history of Ping Pong

Ping Pong was invented by the Chinese who got the idea from the English invention of Tennis which was an idea taken from the Chinese Badminton which came from an idea for Cricket which is a form of the Flemish Hockey which is similar to ancient Mongolian Chinese game of Beikou which may have derived from the ancient Gaelic pastime of knocking the sith out of your friends and neighbors.

PS  I always check my facts and references to make sure they agree with my essays.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Scientists discover frozen water on the planet closest to the sun

Venus - for the most part temperatures are extremely high there, as much as 800 degrees.  There are however, impact craters at either pole where meteors have struck, some plunging deep into the surface,  leaving holes that never see sunlight.  It is in these places where scientists estimate lie billions of gallons or lbs or whatnot of WATER ICE,  That's enough to provide a city with ice for a year or in more practical terms, enough to supply 3 days of tailgating at a Major University or 2 days if WVU..
Scientists reassure citizens that there will always be enough ice for important things.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tea Drinkers sue Tea Party for Trademark Infringement - and WIN! de facto

“We had a kettle; we let it leak:
Our not repairing made it worse.
We haven't had any tea for a week...
The bottom is out of the Universe.” 
― Rudyard Kipling

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rave Reviews for this Finnish Film - "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale'

This film is a total GAS, first rate Banger.  It focuses on a group of local reindeer herders whose Christmas is disturbed by excavations on the  Korvatunturi mountain in Lapland  A scientist has ordered a team of workers to dig open what he calls "the largest burial mound in the world". An explosive used by the team uncovers what is referred to as a "sacred grave". However, the occupant of the grave is the source of the original Santa Claus myth (which actually began in this Region); a supernatural being who, rather than rewarding good children, punishes the naughty. One family, however, manages to catch the culprit in a trap, and plans to sell it to the scientist to cover the losses caused by his excavation.
The story is wacky but is so well acted, well-written, and original it's hard not to like it.  Very little violence but scary nonetheless.  Both adults and kids (older than 7) can enjoy it.  The kid pictured above is the hero but not in a kid-like way.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mathematicians get riled up? Refuse mandatory Overtime.

Let's say that we have a set of  whole numbers that consists of all the odd numbers that exist.  The resulting set is infinite.  Now imagine a set comprised of all  even whole numbers, 2,4,6, etc.  This would also make an infinite set of numbers.  Now add the two sets together so that the new set consists of all whole numbers, both odd and even. The new set is also infinite but it is bigger than each of the other two infinite sets!!.  It is infinity????  If something is infinite, how can anything that is also infinite be more infinite?  Infinite is infinite, a never ending, endless compilation. If I have a collection of numbers (set) that is bigger than any number that can be conceived, and always will be, how in the bejeebers can I have a different set that is greater than that??  This po'd a lot of mathematicians.  The solution or explanation - I don't think there is one.
This is bound to get a lot of "hits" eh?.