Sunday, April 1, 2018

take care when following a dictum

I've spent so much time
I admit but cannot account for
thinking  about things I've seen
and that have been affected 
by my behavior. 
of stuff I do, stuff i've done
I'm not especially careful
nor conscious 
of my behavior
I do something
and follow the dictum
don't just stand there 
do something
and I have 
and gradually but assuredly
the consequence
the results 
lose their opaqueness.
they become translucent
and little by little they
become transparent
a mist that means something
only to me
little weight and import
usually gradually ebbing
if lucky leaving a short
trail of eskers and detritus
a little flotsam and jetsam 
until they fail to  exist.
until they fail to be

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Marthe Steward tip for the day.

If your guy likes the way women who work at Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme smell and you're afraid he might step out on you, don't sit back and do nothing.  Take the offensive.  Make your own pastry-flavored perfume with simple household ingredients and a little elbow grease.

Note:  This pix was done nearly two weeks ago.  I've been sitting on it.  I had a general idea of a joke but sometimes no matter how long you wait and think, the dough don't rise.  Still haven't found the good laugh.  If you think of a gag let me add a pix.   Especially need one or two line gags.  You get the credit, assuming there is any.   I like to draw.  I draw all kinds of merde but can go a long time without  thinking of a chuckle.  I might put a book together eventually.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

most people have heard that the "nicotine patch" is an effective treatment for nicotine addiction.

Few realize that a similar attempt to develop an "alcohol patch" was a complete failure.
"They keep coming back for more patches - we've run out!.  I knew we shouldn't have used college sophomores as a test group"