Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Gadfly (superhero) Looks at Stuff

            How about a Senior's Driving Lane?
There’s hardly a fast food chain in the country that doesn’t offer a “senior discount” on coffee (senior’s size = small).  What’s that about?  Just cause a person made it to a certain age does that entitle them to hero status?   I think it hearkens back to the old days and the Holy Book(s)' entreaties to care for and respect the elders.  But today it is meaningless and only to make it seem as if we honored our elders. It's a fake honor!  If it were genuine there’d be a senior discount on food, clothes, cars, rent, utilities, doctors, someone to mow the grass,  free linement, or something that really mattered.  A small cup of coffee!! WTF!!  Please make sure to put that in my Obit - "During his long life in the Temporal World, Mikey the Aphorist received many honors, including a discount on Lattes at Dunkin Donuts, as well as a free diet coke with the purchase of a Double Whopper and Fries at BK.   He is survived by two cats, a canary, a mixed mutt, lots of debts, and...etc."

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