Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another Miracle?? Le Grande Orange in a Funnel Cake!!

Rusty Staub's image in a W.Va. Funnel Cake
It's unbelievable how these things keep popping up.  Rusty was a popular Major League Baseball Player in the 1960's - 1980's.  He was one of my favorites. Perry Ansellogam paid $3.50 for the funnel cake and was asking $15 for it.  I finagled him down to $10, cause if you look you can see where he took a bite.
Footnote: If you're interested in purchasing this one of a kind sports and county fair memorabilia, I'll let you have it for $17, shipping extra.  Or option deux:  I can have the item restored to its original condition and sell it for $35, shipping included! 

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