Sunday, May 22, 2011

After-Prom Dinner with my New Girl, Carousel - I should write a poem!

Un peut frommage, vin, et toile d'araginee
Ode to Carousel
We danced neath pale light of the moon
You shook your hair
Things came tumbling down too soon
Bugs of different sort
A pencil stub,
Some Coke, a snort,
A raisin cake, half eaten,
I’m glad that you weren’t bitten.  (read aloud as "were ant bitt ten")
Then a tiny sock,
A Catsup pack, and a lucky rock,
Nay a pebble, then 20 trebbles,
Remind me on the way out
To drive by the all night carry out,
For some bug powder and vinegar;
That smell in your car,
We'll work on getting it out.

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