Saturday, June 25, 2011

Item Two - Truth Trumped by Tireless True Trust, again.

l-r Candy Sparkler; Merrily Inhiding; Groin Groan; Bambi Nutz;: Nex Twife
While I believe that Belief  trumps Truth every time, and find this "fact" about sexing with Neanderthals disturbing, my chum Spleen always gives things a positive spin.  Distorted thinking for sure but I owe him some favors so I'll help him a little.  He thinks this Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens interbreeding opens up business opportunities.  He's started a Neanderthal Lovelies Dating/Bridal Service.  Here's a few he's lined up.  I tell you I was aghast at first but I went on a couple dates and found the gals quite interesting and easy to please.

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