Friday, September 16, 2011

Scientists Screw Selves into Ground or "Step Aside, I'm Running Full-speed AMOK!"

John-Dylan Haynes, a neuroscientist at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin, along with some scientist chums and chumettes, recently ran amok and wound up with brain malfunctioning as he screwed himself into the ground.  He experimented with the human brain's decision-making process.  His team used fMRIs to see what parts of the brain were involved with deciding which choice to choose.    Here's the whacked out results:  patterns of brain activity predicted which choice the person would make as many as seven seconds before the decision was made physically and the subject was cognizant of choosing.  It appears that decisions are made long before the human is even aware of choosing.  Yikes and holy Shit!   We consciously make a decision that has already been made and that we are unaware that it has.  The conscious act is just that an "act", a pretend.  Scaaaary!   If we aren't making decisions who is it inside us that is?