Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Joshua Knobe Pulls Philosophy Out of Well, All is good again

Declining enrollments; aging academics; dwindling support from anyone, Philosophy as a linch pin in the Ivory Tower, was slowly crumbling like a sandstone gargoyle.  Until Joshua Knobe!! Here's the full and mangled report. 20 years ago the American Philosophical Association called an emergency concave to Save Philosophy from careening hell-bent to obscurity.  Hundreds of savants and sages met, discussed, had a drink, and proffered new directions for Philosophy as a Discipline (and an Industry).  Thousands of ideas were narrowed to just a handful.  They would take a vote.
1.  Sell Candy Bars
2.  Appeal to the higher ideals of Congress
3.  Start a Unicorn Breeding Farm
4.  Produce a reality show "the Real World - is it Really?"
5.  Merge with Alchemy, Phrenology, and Housekeeping departments
6. Invent Experimental Philosophy!  Joshua Knobe becomes instant Superhero, Philosophers buy new cars and Ipods.
Here's an experiment, test to see if anyone is buying this shit?