Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Memory - Mid Winter

The shorter days and lack of  daylight, hits me just after Thanksgiving every year, and I go into a hibernating sullenness   My aphorisminess is temporarily out of businessess.  (except for that one.).  Ordinarily I just hibernate but now it is with feeling.  I wallow with 'elan (metaphysical trick, don't try it.)  I bought a full spectrum light bulb that might help if I ever get the energy to get it out of the trunk and screw it in.  

Don't know about Christmas memories but one of my favorite winter memories is looking out the window late at night and seeing the snow covering everything, the moonlight reflecting, you could read a newspaper.  Sometimes the light from the big blast furnaces across the river would give it all a warm fiery glow.  The scene made me feel awed and comforted and after 20 minutes or so I would sink back into my blanket and fall asleep.

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