Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ancient Hominoids Smarter than Us? Boskop Man!!

Boskop Skull, bones, and artifacts.
The Boskop Skull, from a humanoid that died in approximately 22,745 BC, was discovered by two Afrikanner Farmers in South Africa.  Boskop Man had a larger skull than modern humans.  Its average IQ is estimated at 150.  It also had a face with big eyes and child-like features making it seem like a cute pet.   Current anthropology has debunked the finding as "just another human with a fat head".  The skull was probably bigger because the guy was "thick-headed".  Discounting that anthropologists like to piss on a good parade, they may be right in this case.  We consulted 5 Experimental Philosophers who took this to the "Experimental Philosophers Lab and Tittie Club. Four agreed that these people were not smarter than us.  "The evidence is lacking - no remote controls, no lotto tickets, no sign of SAT scores or buffet trays" said J Knube, leader.  The dissenting EP would not comment on the record but had a funny look on his face.