Friday, August 5, 2011

On the Hierarchy of the Almighty's Creatures, Mankind Loses More Ground,

Invertebrates comprise about 95% of the animal kingdom.  We make fun of them because their nervous systems are much more rudimentary than our internet-pron-filled noggins, and they can't get cable.    Infortuniuma we are behind  in other areas.  We once thought that we had hundreds of thousands of genes in the human genome and that we'd never map it in our lifetime  OOO-we are so complex!  NOT.  Current studies indicate that we have about 20,000, maybe a couple more. Creatures of all sorts, sizes, shapes, and phylum are getting ready to Cut In Front of Us in the Creature Line.  20,000 Genes!??  - WTF, A RICE GRAIN has 38,000!
Sgt R. Grain tells a parable to the Mustard Seeds

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