Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mathematicians get riled up? Refuse mandatory Overtime.

Let's say that we have a set of  whole numbers that consists of all the odd numbers that exist.  The resulting set is infinite.  Now imagine a set comprised of all  even whole numbers, 2,4,6, etc.  This would also make an infinite set of numbers.  Now add the two sets together so that the new set consists of all whole numbers, both odd and even. The new set is also infinite but it is bigger than each of the other two infinite sets!!.  It is infinity????  If something is infinite, how can anything that is also infinite be more infinite?  Infinite is infinite, a never ending, endless compilation. If I have a collection of numbers (set) that is bigger than any number that can be conceived, and always will be, how in the bejeebers can I have a different set that is greater than that??  This po'd a lot of mathematicians.  The solution or explanation - I don't think there is one.
This is bound to get a lot of "hits" eh?.


Mikey said...

We have enough unsolvable problems in our world without having math geeks throw their problems in the ring. Let's ban evolution AND Maths!

Mikey said...

and definitely should pass an amendment to outlaw marriages between two mathematicians.