Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WERE you but lying cold and dead, And lights were paling out of the West

      You would come hither, and bend your head,
      And I would lay my head on your breast;
      W B Yeats
      And you would murmur tender words,
      Forgiving me, because you were dead:
      Nor would you rise and hasten away,
      Though you have the will of wild birds,
      But know your hair was bound and wound
      About the stars and moon and sun:
      O would, beloved, that you lay
      Under the dock-leaves in the ground,
      While lights were paling one by one.

Valentine's Day

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Antler Hunting Bonanza, Part One of 3

Tired of talking the talk, I walked the walk...ten steps...stop...gasp...look around...have a smoke...ten steps...stop...you know the routine.  But since I had a full pack of cigs I stayed out longer and kept searching and by Crickey I found some artifacts.
Item One:   a Arrow!    I stopped to whiz and a arrow came whizzing by.  It is now in my collection of Whizzardy Artifacts.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Van Gogh's only Sale Prior to Morte', Bought by his GF

The Red Vineyard (Paintings of a Red Vinyard have also been discovered but are believed to be cheap reproductions.

Art, Artists, and Artistes

Vincent Van Gogh lived a very ascetic life but not by choice - he had little money.  He sold only one painting during his time. Then he croaked by his own hand and now only millionaires can afford to buy one of his paintings.  The lesson to be learned - don't wait!  Purchase one of my paintings now for 40...50...99.99% off the future retail price.  Paintings (starting at $70 K, before discount.) on sale now!!!  Special this week only - Buy any Two Pictures and get a free copy of my latest work. 
"the spohp[fj"*
*In the days before typewriting became common, many typists in training would enroll in l'Ecole de Clerique in the province of Saxony.  The school offered two classes: 1 - Home Row/Touch Le Typing and 2 - Faire du Lettres et Nombres.  If one class was already fully enrolled the student would be placed in the other.  It was common for a student to begin touch typing before learning where the letters were.  "the spohp[f" is the representation of such an effort.  It is not known what the word was intended to be but for certain it is in French and most likely rude.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

EPL s In Search of...the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, nah, more deer and antlers

As a photojournalist I often surprise myself.  I snapped an archival photo for my portfolio and my assistant Penfold, looking for Mayan symbols in the arrangement of foliage,  happened to notice something unexpected - two deer in the bottom right.
Here's a blowup of the marked section in the upper photo.  You can see one deer clearly in the bottom right, looking at me.  Directly above her, on the other side of a fallen log, you can see a deer (little fuzzy) heading left but also looking at me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Its Necessary to Plan Wisely if you Plan on being a fulltime Antler Hunter*

My good buddy and Financial and Spiritual Advisor, "Homeless Raconteur de Noche"One of the things I admire about Noche is his genuineness.  He's a genius.  He arranged his finances so he could retire early (at 29) and is doing as well as ever.  At 45 he has time for fishing, golf, boche ball, lurking, and of course antler hunting.  Few real heroes left like him.

*and Aphorist, Theoretical Theorist, Experimental Philosopher, Seer, and Poeteer (go Eeers).