Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Polyglots versus my old beer-bellied, big boobed GF Polly Glugalot, an Experimental Philosophy Bit

When in the Navy I met a lot of sailors who could speak certain phrases and words and service agreements in many languages.  I thought that was cool. These were all Glugalots.   We know of people that speak several complete languages, sometimes more than a dozen. Impressive.  Then we have the Polyglots.   Harold Williams (de New Zealand) met with delegates at the League of Nations (predecessor to United Nations) and is said to have conversed easily with each delegate in the delegate's native tongue.  I can't do that in my own language.  American Kenneth Hale could speak 50 languages fluently.  He learned Finnish on the flight from US to Helsinki!  And Japanese after a single viewing from the Shogun TV Series.  What the...!!

This info was sampled (ha ha) or ripped if you prefer. from the book Babel No More, by Michael Erard.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Heck, Pshaw to Hell and Back! A Ruse. Oh, Well, there's Gotta be A Plop and the End of the Antler Rainbow.

Is it Universal Orange, Blaze Orange, or Hunters Orange.  I'm wearing a Sherbet Orange. Poachers do not recognize the rules anyhow.  And except for the wounds my Monday is good.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

To Find Deer (and their damn antlers) You Must Look First for "Deer Sign" (copyrighted tip from The Antler Hunter)

Yeah, this is where I started looking.  Watch Out for Vehicles! 

And here's a Bonus Tip:
Jelly Beans??  Nope, its Deer Oopay.  Remember - we're not looking for the Holy Grail, are we?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Antler Hunting (ad nauseum)

Not only am I an Antler Hunter but I'm also a bit of a Wildlife Photog.  The credentials keep piling up like merit badges.  I'm researching how many I need to be an Italicized Renaissance Man.  BTW it's pronounced "ree naay sense" by us on the inside. I took this lovely shot with a HP Smartshot with a Blah Blah F-stop and zero point blah lens.  It took several tries before I got the blurring correct and the faux lack of perspective.  There is a DEER in this Photo.  If you can locate it I will send you a frame able copy for free, plus my Newsletter - Antler Hunting Tip of the Day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ha, I Have Them in my Sights!! Antler Soup Tonite

The snow has melted for now, leaving the ground soggy.
Notice the darker path.  Its slightly muddy and hoof prints follow the trail.  This path is narrower than some and winds through light thicket.  Many of the paths I've seen lead through much rougher ground, through briars and thick scrub and more heavily wooded areas.  Most are hard traveling for a human.  Some appear nearly impenetrable.  Am I a poof?  The deer must think so.

The Fools! I Am on Their Trail. Yep, Still More Antler Hunting

This is a process so I am proceeding.
More narrow trail but not uncomfortable and hoof prints to guide me. Common and well-traveled trails are for deer, like for human highways, familiar, reliable, and normally predictable paths from important place (e.g. water,) to important place (e.g. feeding ground, shelter).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Antler Hunting Continued, Continued

I continue to search.  This shows me coming into the area where I think they bed down. I try to be stealthy, without showing off.  A friend told me that my chances of seeing deer were much better if I left my dog at home.  I didn't have a dog but I bought one so I could leave it home and improve my chances.

This is me going home after traipsing around the woods for awhile. I'm new to this community but I'm forming impressions already.  I stopped at the bank to ask directions, as I was a little lost.  They acted very rude.  The Kwik and Go And/or Stop folks made up for it though.  They gave me money and cigarettes without me even asking. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Antler Hunting Continued

I continue to hone my skills (or so I think).  I've been able to run across deer every day, sometimes a half dozen or more, sometimes only one.  I get as close as 20 or 30 yards, which in the woods with a leaping deer might as well be a half mile.   I've learned that they tend to run away from me when I yell at them; whistle a happy tune; call them by name (no one likes to be called a "bambi"); or tell corny jokes.  I'm learning.
This is one of the trails I followed and searched.  This is not a deer trail - its a human trail.  I understand that my chances of finding any deer stuff on this trail is slim, but it much less annoying to trek than the deer trails so I thought 'what the heck.'.  Kind of the same logic I use when playing the lottery - I don't buy a ticket but I figure the chances of winning are so slim that the chances of winning without buying a ticket are only somewhat slimmer.  What the heck.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Beautiful Maxx

Got this dog as a pup about 18 years ago.  Hyper as any Aussie could be but true blue, teachable, and a loved member of the family for always. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Antler Hunting

I've been interested in antler hunting for a few years but have been unsuccessful so far.  I will continue to try.  I've been tracking a herd of deer near my brother's place  It's still too early for shedding, I think, but I've scoped out about a half dozen nice places where the chances of finding one are good - where they bed down; where they jump fences.  The good thing about these spots is they are free from hunting so I feel safer.  Not sure what to expect.  I was chased by a mother deer once when I got too close to her young.  I was nearly run over by a herd once as they ran by (running from something out to get them).  Any tips are welcome.
I sneaked up on a herd of 7 deer, in the woods just beyond the scrub.  They froze and I froze.  I moved my camera up to my eye and snapped a pix but it was too late, they had pranced off in a blur. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sledding Adventure Part 4

When its bitterly cold the lungs struggle to breathe in enough air.  The blood concentrates on the brain and heart and lungs, most essential, and the sinews have to manage with less oxygen.  We labored making the climb, that on a summer day one could almost run up.  At the top I told Herky to give me a minute to catch my breath.  He gasped something in reply.  Tommy Stein stayed at the bottom end of the incline so he could watch us.  He was a bit of a tough and him not wanting to sled the hill gave me pause.  I've never seen him hesitate to do something risky.  When I had the clarity to see I looked at the run.  Dark, very dark from beginning to end.  Our eyes had adjusted a while back and it still looked dark.  Small trees and shrubbery lined either side at the top to form a launch area, shielded from the wind. We were using Herkey's sled, a single sheet of hard plastic, curled up at the front. There were places to grab on the sides.
I felt afraid, I admit.  The daring of this act overflowed the boundaries of my personal comfort zone.  I almost reneged but that would mean ridicule and endless ribbing.  No bodies lined the sides of the track.  No ambulance lights oscillated at the bottom.  I read the paper for the last week and never saw an obituary or tragedy connected to this place.  No warning signs posted.  It had to be safe, right?
Getting ready to Launch into the night!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fanny Pack? Why is it called that if its worn in the front?P

Pecker Pack, Cod Pack, Crotch Pack, Vag Pack, PeePee Pack were just a few of the alternates considered but for marketing purposes the Manufacturer wisely selected "Fanny Pack"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sledding Adventure Part 3

It was the best of conditions and the worst of conditions for our first run at this hill
(ref Part 2,. Sledding Adventure) We tried to walk up from the foot of the run but soon decided it to be too slick so we headed around to the far side of the sand lot where we could hike up to the top.  A distance of 20 or 30 feet but steep and in the deep snow, pulling our sled, arduous effort.  We got to the top stared into a dark tunnel of ice and cold, of hidden stones and rock, of treacherous falls and granite wall.

Friday, January 6, 2012