Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Top Five Famous Unhygienic Poets, And Why I Think So

Henrik Ibsen - No way to comb that mess
Allen Ginsberg (by reputation and because he was a bohemian and because he was influenced by Walt Whitman)
Charles Baudelaire (by deduction - Depressed and French)
H. Ibsen (by observation - look at the fuzz – if he got in water he'd be dragged under)
W. Whitman (by association -Ginsberg heavily influenced by Walt - to complete the circular reasoning)
Thoreau (prima facie - Washing up in Walden Pond on a Massachusetts winter day? No!)

Autobiography of Mikey, by Felix Felixson Junior

I was birthed a while back in Wheeling, W.V.  The hospital has been demolished.  I grew up hungry so it’s good that my childhood was short, ending at about 11.  Poor, but too dumb to notice. I farted around for a number of years, met some people, met my responsibilities (a lot of them anyway), loved, laughed, pissed away my money, prayed when scared, bounced around different places, and here I am today, right where I was headed. 


Ponder this and then get back to me.  Maya Angelou has written 6, yes six, autobiographies.  What made her stop at six?  And "Maya Angelou" is a nom de plume, not her real name.  I know that she is kind of renowned and all, but if I wrote 6 lengthy, self-indulgent works of narcissism I'd probably hide my real identity too.  BTW is "my autobiography" a redundancy?  Can I have a ghost writer for my autobiography?  I think I might give it a try.